Thursday, September 14, 2006

Floida stocks up as storm nears

Residents in Florida were urged to become prepared for tropical storms instead of waiting until they become hurricanes. Tropical Storm Ernesto was the reason for the precautions to be taken. With this awakening, many people seemed to be listening to the advice the gas pumps and grocery stores became packed.
Probably what aided in the awareness to become more prepared was that the storm was due to hit shore on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. We all know that as the anniversary of Katrina neared, more and more specials appeared on television, reminding us of the devastation that occurred and has still not even begun to be fixed. I guess the precautions taken could be considered to help businesses in the areas that were threatened. So in that aspect, fear has positive outcomes. On the other hand, as storms near the area, no one is going out to spend money so businesses are losing money. I guess it all evens out in the end. I do think it’s a positive thing that the world is at this point not jaded when it comes to the possible damage that can occur due to a natural disaster. Many times I think people used to feel that they would be fine and did not need to worry. Nowadays people seem to have a more realistic view of what can happen and who it can affect.

News & Record, Greensboro, NC Doug Cox Tuesday, August 29, 2006

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