Friday, September 29, 2006

Bush says he’s pressing for end to dependence on foreign oil

President Bush points out that we are dependent on oil from some parts of the world that do not like the United States. The longer we are dependent on that type of energy, the less likely people can maintain their good, high-paying jobs. Democrat chairman, Howard Dean commented that “America’s working families have seen their incomes drop, and their worker protections and health care benefits come under assault.”

Personally, I don’t see why it has taken so long to make this insightful observation. Depending on other countries for something that Americans could not live without is not a good idea in itself. Without a sufficient amount of oil, Americans lives would change drastically. The average American likely depends on some form of transportation that is dependent on oil for at least two things throughout their day. The most common use I would imagine would be getting to and from work. I can’t imagine what people would do if we ran into a bind again and did not have sufficient amounts of oil. When Katrina happened, there was chaos at the pumps. It seems likely that now that people have witnessed what happens in times like that, things would be even more in turmoil.

News & Record, Greensboro, NC Wire Reports Tuesday, September 5, 2006

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